Front desk

Sign in to Metaname here if you already have an account, or open an account with us.

identityE-mail address or account reference

Recent changes

Pricing is changing.

Authority to publish

Anti-hijacking measures surrounding publication of zones has been improved. If you see an "Unauthorized" error message when trying to add or change a DNS zone then please get in touch at to ask about your options. Only unusual configurations are affected so if you don't encounter this error message then please ignore.

Strict MFA

There is now the option for "Strict" MFA. Strict MFA can be enabled in Account settings, though be sure that the consequences are fully understood before doing so.

Date ranges

The date ranges in the transactions and audit trail views are no longer inclusive, so specifying 2019-06-25 to 2019-06-26 no longer specifies a period of two days but of one: From midnight at the beginning of the 25th up to but not including midnight on the 26th. This may affect your workflow if you regularly inspect or export this data.

The date range in the transactions view now shows the last 30 days rather than the previous calendar month by default.

Billing e-mail addresses

It's now possible to configure a separate "billing" e-mail address to which invoices are copied.  Please e-mail to request that a billing e-mail address be added.